Due to historical constraints it is of extraordinary importance in Russia to work with the corporate culture. We consider that implementing a corporate culture based on international best practices should be one of the foremost priorities here.
The work starts with choosing the right kind of leader and management group. But this forms a particular challenge in Russia. There is no lack of intelligent people, but the problem is that their behavioral practices and thus management style is far too often based on the models inherited from the administrative command system of the Soviet Union.
We notice all too frequently how some of our peers from the global branded executive search firms fail to recognize this problem and the challenges it poses on them as executive search consultants. Notwithstanding their lofty statements on the methods they use, they most often are content with identifying a candidate with merely a formally impressive CV and without finding out what the supposed leader really goes for. By way of this failure many a cog in a big international organization with a management style of a Soviet bureaucrat gets promoted to positions where they are supposed to act as real leaders.
We have real experience from running businesses in Russia and therefore we can tell who is who. We have actually built here a state-of-the-art corporate culture, so we can do it for you, too.
Ekaterina Lazareva
Vice President, Human Resources
Eva Hua
Vice President